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7 Ways to Improve Your Resume

If the employer is going to invest in you as an employee, this means that he hopes that cooperation with you will bring certain benefits. Therefore, when you create your resume, it is important to indicate what benefits and how your work brought the previous employer.
Instead of just listing your strengths, try to emphasize how useful you are to your employer, colleagues, or clients. Use the following seven techniques to prove this.


All organizations, whether private firms, nonprofits, or government departments, want to save money in order to balance or increase revenue. If you have the talent to reduce company costs through skillful savings or effective negotiations with suppliers, you will probably be actively interested in recruiters.
If you have helped reduce costs in your previous position, you should emphasize this in your resume. And do not forget to use specific numbers and data to visually show your value as an employee.


Business exists, in fact, in order to solve people's problems. For example, retail stores provide people with affordable products, accountants help businesses with financial affairs. Therefore, it is logical that managers prefer to hire candidates who can solve problems. No matter what your specialty is, you still have to solve the problems of customers, colleagues or shareholders. When writing your resume, provide examples of how you solved the problems you encountered and, if possible, back it up with dry numbers.


Time is our most valuable resource and employers prefer that employees at the workplace spend it wisely. If you have skills that will save time for your employer and his clients, you should definitely mention this in your resume. A candidate who can provide examples of such time savings, which as a result allowed to achieve greater efficiency of the company, will definitely become a leading candidate for the position.


An employee always ready to help is a valuable asset for any company. Show on your resume how you help people around you achieve your goals.
Companies need people who can rely on each other and together achieve their goals. In any position, you will most likely have to help other people, be it your colleagues or clients. In your resume, indicate where exactly your place is located on the hierarchical ladder of the company, and who depends on your work. If you can demonstrate that you can rely on you, you will undoubtedly appear as a valuable candidate in the eyes of recruiters.


Revenue generation is the main function of most organizations, especially those in the private sector. In fact, not only the sales department is responsible for profit. All staff can indirectly contribute to the treasury to increase sales. For example,
marketing staff help attract customers, which in turn promotes sales, while administrative staff helps other employees so that they can focus on revenue generation tasks. So if you are somehow contributing to revenue generation, you should include this information in your resume and back it up with specific numbers.


The prizes, awards, and other forms of encouragement you have received create a trusting image for you, especially in the eyes of managers and recruiters. Many candidates make bold statements in their resumes, but far from all support them with evidence - recognition from the industry in which they work and colleagues. You should include any kind of praise and endorsement you have ever received in your resume, starting with your diplomas and ending with media mentions.


All employees do different jobs and produce different products, depending on their profession. It can be anything from web pages to spreadsheets; from physical products, like cars, to homes. The work that you do is the result of your skills and efforts, and therefore a wonderful way to prove what benefits you bring in your workplace. Include the results of your work and the evidence of the quality of your work in your resume, and how it was positively evaluated by managers or clients.


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